Weekly Newsletter

Read the weekly This Week in WFU Jewish Life” newsletter.

Sign up to receive the weekly e-mail or contact Gail at bretangh@wfu.edu.

Events Calendar

The Events Calendar can be found at jewishlife.wfu.edu/events

Religious Holy Days of Observance

If you wish to be excused from class for a Holy Day Observance the policy is that you contact your professors in advance and let them know you will be off for the holidays. Our students don’t usually have any problems, but if you do, that is where I and/or Jose Villalba (The  Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer, in the Office of the Provost) can assist you.

Our experience is that most students don’t take off (because they don’t want to miss class) and that is why on-campus holiday services are in the afternoons. This way, everyone has an opportunity to go to services somewhere.

As you know, you have lots of options, on-campus and off-campus. For the local Jewish community options, check out this link: jewishlife.wfu.edu/resources/local-jewish-communities.  You can contact the local temples/synagogues in advance and let them know you are coming. As per our agreement with them, they will let you in for free when you show your student ID.

For more information, please contact Gail at bretangh@wfu.edu.

Contact Us

Jewish Life Office

Dr. Gail Bretan
Associate Chaplain for Jewish Life and Hillel Director
The Office of the Chaplain
Wake Forest University
Benson Center 321, PO Box 7204
Winston-Salem, NC 27109


Andrew Orfaly
Hillel Student President

Amit Melchior
Hillel/Jewish Agency Israel Fellow


Ethan Cohen
AEPi Student President


Chloe Mazo
Chabad Student President

Jewish Studies

Dr. Annalise Glauz-Todrank
Director, Jewish Studies
308 Divinity and Religious Studies Building

Office of the Chaplain

Christine Yucha
Office Manager
8D, Reynolda Hall

To Donate
Thank you for your donations that make our programs possible.